luni, 19 ianuarie 2009

dream dream, filling up an idle hour

why do i always have to be the weak part, the weirdoo, the ugly one, the nonsense, the eccentric, the insane, the borderline?
oh, but i don't mind, really. at all. these days.
is like.. oh, i switch personalities too often. ;)

now i'm into the 70's-80's , trying to absorb all they could give.
soon i'll get bored and i'll be into Indian gods, i guess.
+ tea and biscuits, anyone? or at least, mood for searching, anyone?
'creati o poveste' . eh, later this week. ;)

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

If it comes naturally, being eccentric is not such a bad thing. Some people try their entire lives to be something else and they fail miserably at it. They look ridiculous pretending to dress themselves, behave and think in other ways that they normally should. It's as fake as a pair of silicon-enhanced breasts: they may look more appealing, but it's just a face-lift for a saggy situation, if you catch my drift...