duminică, 31 mai 2009

Laissant le monde à ses problèmes..:).

2 empty bottles of water on the floor. Funny picture of lazyness. Wondering about happyness and the desire of forgetting about it all. Music sounds alive in my head, but so far. like in an old recoder which i cannot stop. Head is heavy and I try to remember the last line I said . Nonsense.
I am so heavy, that i almost know how it feels like to lye like a corpse in a sandy land. My body won't move unless you push it down. Ceiling looks peaceful, all is peaceful. Nothing moves, nothing breathes. 8 seconds and i crumble.
Coffee. and i realize all this mess i'm in. Like.. Please don't fuck with people's feelings.
All i can think about in mornings like this - some poem of T S Elliot(the lovesong of j. alfred prufrock) and bloody murders.

I've been drawing something. i guess it's fine.

'There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;'

luni, 25 mai 2009

Living in a suitcase Meet a clown, fall in love. ....U.R.A. fever.

bai, eu ma apuc de ceva dragut.

i'll be back with beautiful, fascinating details.

trains stop where they are supposed to, stop hopping for Stockholm if yours goes directly to Brazil

I imagine we were too lost to realize, after all. Funny day indeed and it gets even funnyer when I ruin one of the most long lasting relationships/friendships I had. My fault for being such a kid and a idiot who believes in sweet nothings and guides her life according to her dreams.
Well, I should have learnt until now that some things cannot be forced and some people really can't get out of their boxes and they even drag you inside. My head is full of questions and unsolved problems, nasty creatures and dirty colours, I fell like writing a woolf-ish essay. Long live streams of consciousness!

Blah Blah Blah .

Then i wake up at 4 in the morning and feel like i've got no sleep under my eyelids. I force to get back and promise myself that all will be just fine and shinny if i get some sleep. Then i remember the walk on the street, all alone, at 11.30 p.m. when i stated that nothing would be the same anymore. Big words! tooo big, but i felt just like a stupid actor who can see nothing but black in front of his eyes and then all runs and slips away, curtians fall and.. well. you die or something. Lucky me for having the best friend in the world, like my twin or something, and we can hold each other so that we could breathe.

Now my computer plays some Blonde Redhead and Kasabian. And then if i get bored some crazy music i used to listen last summer with my best friends forever. I guess I'll switch to Cocorosie. :X

And i'm thinking about all these things i have always wanted to do and never actually did. well, it's high time, lazy cat.

luni, 11 mai 2009

Two shots in the morning, take it easy on yourself

Time flies, time lies. Ha!

It's like, I was just fine. Spent the most beautiful afternoon.. after sooo many weeks. :D
Smoked like crazy. It's funny that my body shares so many personalities sometimes.
May sun burns so bad.
I'm thinking about starting to learn Russian or German. But later a bit, after all these creepy exams are over. Although German would be too difficult for me, freaks me out sometimes. I cannot understand a word.

I've got my dearest friend near me, so i'm happy. :D

I'm thinking about changes. I feel like going for blue hair.

Oh, and i need a good book and a nice talker. ;) Anyone who tells nice stories? hm ?

and i remember this thing, a phrase that had been haunting my dreams until i saw the movie again : "to become a real artist, i knew i had to get out of that place" Ha! i could say the same. Had a strange feeling today, but ill tell some other time ;)

miercuri, 6 mai 2009

nu te misca, ametesc.

Moa, I've been breathing so slow.
yeah, I'm a bit slow these days.
I was thinking about some super stories and reading wonderful things. Hey Rushie, you rock my mind dude, 'Midnight Children' is one of the best things I've read. ;) oh yeah, it really caught me ( long enough to be late at school in the morning, but it's fine). Now I'm thinking about the whole India stuff. Anywayzzz, the thing is that it made me feel sooo much. And the long phrases, the tone, the connection between the narrator and the reader. No wonder they gave you a Nobel.

Imaginatia mea functioneaza diferit, ceea ce m-a ingijorat la inceput (adica acum o saptamana), dar E DE BINE pana la urma. E semn bun. Si poate ar fi un semn si mai bun sa ma apuc de invatat si de reluat carti de istoria artei si filosofie. ;))

E ca in lumea lui Stephane, la faza cu 'the drug dealer'. In mod ciudat si oarecum trist nu ma mai simt total ca el, adica, nu mai zboara norisori daca lovesc anumite note, nu mai merge masina timpului inainte si inapoi cu o secunda si nici nu mai am propria mea emisiune intr-un studio de carton la mine in cap. Still, I keep my mind and soul (desi ma gandisem ca as putea oferi spre vanzare un mic procentaj-Hello says the devil . Ha!). brrr. :( neah, long story, I'll tell some other time.
And I got fascinated (again and again, I know) about Ch. Manson and his people. Just for some hours, but long enough to start imagining muder scenes and bloody desasters, damaged walls and empty homes. Creepy feeling and devastating images and emotions. All in my head, all in my pocket.
Si m-am apucat din nou de ascultat Kasabian. E ceva care tremura de placere in creierasul meu cand ii ascult ;) eh, legaturi con el pasado .

Arw, azi parca totul se misca mult prea repede. Si am chef sa ascult pe cineva vorbind. SI nu am chef sa zic nimic nimanui, pentru ca nu as putea sa transmit verbal nimic.

duminică, 3 mai 2009

e de bine

hurray for J.D. Salinger!! I never knew he used to write such stories. Beautiful indeed.

A weekend full of music and sand.
I officially dislike CFR ( bastards, I've always thought you were better, but i have the proof right beneath my eyes)
Drunk people are funny. ( degradarea umana atingand forme apoteotice care se traduc printr-un comportament care nu este nicidecum corespunzator , avand in vedere .... blah blah blah :))) no one killed me, mum. ;0
My organs value less
Cool lessons about friendship and people . Too cool, almost breath-taking.
etc, etc etc . ;)