Listening to music, hoping that it'll help a bit.
british rock this evening. Harsh night again, i cannot get enough sleep, all slips, I'm confussed.
Still, great afternoon with my lovely friend. No school, little words, lots of understanding and dreaming-crying. eh, My ways are a bit strange. My dreams too. :)
I was thinking about all, having a taste of them all, things and people around me move too fast and they hear nothing of what i scream.
let's tell stories about the beautiful things we see everyday. :) it'll be so much more funny.
'say whatever you have to say' 'take whatever you have to take' . I don't like the kooks' song 'sway'
aham, and i love patrick's 'vulture'. Actually, i love the video more than the song. It reminds me of depeche mode and of so many devilish thoughts in my head . And it makes me feel way too gay. :)))) 'mama, don't worry, i say your boy is doing fine' ;)
Oh, and I listen to cocorosie and feel like going and hanging my shoes outside my window (this is a weird reaction indeed, but you cannot fight with people's feelings ) and then having a tea and 2 coffees.
I'm listening to The cure again (due to my hair loving so much Robert Smith). 'spider-man is having you for dinner tonight' 'boys don't cry' (and girls don't eat, but this is another myth and story)
I guess I'll be reading and sobbing for some 2 more days, but after all things go their way with me . I shall stop these worries and plans.
Uh, you lucky kids that can sleep good and dream nice. I envy you. ;)
luni, 27 aprilie 2009
vineri, 24 aprilie 2009
driving a red car and listening to alien music must be your biggest dream this summer. mine not.
Don't show off you genius, let people discover it. (asta asa, ca o conluzie ciudata in urma observatiei indelungate asupra oamenilor narcisisti degeaba)
After all these days of strange calm and 'tristesse profonde', I've learnt to see people in a different way. It was high time, you'd say. But somehow I feel things went their way; they always do. THINGS GO THEIR WAY.
I've been thinking so much about humans, like never before. You see, 2 days ago I was dreaming about flying pianos and very talkative slippers, friendly clouds and everlasting moonshine. But then it came, all of a sudden, humanity, and woke me up: Come on, lazy cat, we expect something from you! Then I decided to look back, then to the left, to the right and to observe those eyes on me , so shinny and greedy, watching and waiting.
Perharps there was noone, but my mind decided that they could be, that they must have been there. It all happened like in a movie: when you realize, then the whole universe helps you and shows you the way you are supposed to walk on . A moment of happiness when you just breathe the most pure air in your galaxy.. And so, today was a special day. Thank you stars ;)
Aham, still wondering what calmed me down. I'm so unexpectably quiet and thoughtful(like the old times when i used to talk to myself and write a lot). Oh, and i feel like having beer no more.
I love my scarves again, I feel like I can survive without money again, I feel like having clever conversations with special people again ( someone over there ? hm? here, here, :D) . It's been so long, I've been numb for so long that now I feel like a new born.
And I'm in my strangest age, people.
After all these days of strange calm and 'tristesse profonde', I've learnt to see people in a different way. It was high time, you'd say. But somehow I feel things went their way; they always do. THINGS GO THEIR WAY.
I've been thinking so much about humans, like never before. You see, 2 days ago I was dreaming about flying pianos and very talkative slippers, friendly clouds and everlasting moonshine. But then it came, all of a sudden, humanity, and woke me up: Come on, lazy cat, we expect something from you! Then I decided to look back, then to the left, to the right and to observe those eyes on me , so shinny and greedy, watching and waiting.
Perharps there was noone, but my mind decided that they could be, that they must have been there. It all happened like in a movie: when you realize, then the whole universe helps you and shows you the way you are supposed to walk on . A moment of happiness when you just breathe the most pure air in your galaxy.. And so, today was a special day. Thank you stars ;)
Aham, still wondering what calmed me down. I'm so unexpectably quiet and thoughtful(like the old times when i used to talk to myself and write a lot). Oh, and i feel like having beer no more.
I love my scarves again, I feel like I can survive without money again, I feel like having clever conversations with special people again ( someone over there ? hm? here, here, :D) . It's been so long, I've been numb for so long that now I feel like a new born.
And I'm in my strangest age, people.
joi, 23 aprilie 2009
get used to the fish flying and the car stopping in the desert. You'll need that as a lesson about life
Wondering about life And future. How bright is it after all?
fuck off, i'll walk away.
Working on something nice. Hope this time will be fine . ;) Fingers crossed. :D
I'll be back with super super things :d
fuck off, i'll walk away.
Working on something nice. Hope this time will be fine . ;) Fingers crossed. :D
I'll be back with super super things :d
miercuri, 22 aprilie 2009
cut off ;)
I want you to be crazy , 'cause you're stupid baby when you're straight
I want you to be crazy , 'cause you're boring baby when you're sane
mi-am reluat activitatea de visator si tarator. yey. Si zici ca sunt Robet Smith, asa imi sta parul. Si azi am desenat toata ziua . It's all in my mind. All in my pocket. All in my boxes.
I've got a crush on The Kills. Drept urmare, tot ce fac are legatura cu baloane negre si versuri stupide. Eh, si cu Andy Warhol, dar oricum mereu are legatura cu el, nu-i vorba doar de muzica pe care o ascult in astea 2 zile . ;)
marți, 21 aprilie 2009
cherie, i hope you die in a washing machine
Si pana la urma ce e mai important ? What would that be, stupid girl ?.
Blame it on Mickey Mouse. :p
Blame it on Mickey Mouse. :p
keep going, buttonel (hey, that's me )
La un moment dat totul devine amuzant. Pana si faptul ca te clatini cand bate vatul sau cand se intampla sa tipe cineva la tine. Si dupa ce e amuzant incepe sa devina hilar.
Oricum nu despre cum trec eu prin lume si evenimente vruaim sa vorbesc, dar inevitabil asta sfarsesc a face de fiecare data. Aham, zicea cineva ca am un cult al personalitatii mele. Wrong! Eu doar ma observ si incerc sa ma inteleg. Decat ca mie imi ia mai mult decat altora. .. si de aici porneste nebunia.
Aseara am recuperat una din cartile mele preferate. Am recitit cateva pasaje si apoi am visat-o toata noaptea. Adica m-am visat pe mine ca Harry Haller. Numai ca nu mai stiu cine era Hermina, adica nu am reusit sa o indentific> Si nici pe Pablo, desi imi tot injecta ceva in picior( nu stiu exact de unde am facut conexiunea, mda) anywayzz. whatever.
M-am reapucat de ascultat muzica mea de toate zilele, adica muzica aia de dinainte de cocorosie. Adica sunt din nou indioata. welcome sweet years :D
WTF? ideea e ca i'm disappointed by my best friend . I can't breathe, i've just caught a cold.
Si eu, spre deosebire de alti copii draguti si echilibrati, nu pot sa merg drept. It's not like 'walk the line, Johnny!' . E altceva, you get the ideea...
Ideea e ca atunci cand sunt adult tai in carne vie. Si chiar nu vreau sa fac asta . Plus ca parca sunt un mic mare monstru de beton si nu reusesc sa ma vad decat din afara. Feels better to be a dreamer and to believe in sweet nothings. Plus ca numai asa iti permiti si o viata secreta. ;)
Aham, sa nu uit. de maine beau din nou cafea cu lapte. I'm too sour with sour coffee.
Oricum nu despre cum trec eu prin lume si evenimente vruaim sa vorbesc, dar inevitabil asta sfarsesc a face de fiecare data. Aham, zicea cineva ca am un cult al personalitatii mele. Wrong! Eu doar ma observ si incerc sa ma inteleg. Decat ca mie imi ia mai mult decat altora. .. si de aici porneste nebunia.
Aseara am recuperat una din cartile mele preferate. Am recitit cateva pasaje si apoi am visat-o toata noaptea. Adica m-am visat pe mine ca Harry Haller. Numai ca nu mai stiu cine era Hermina, adica nu am reusit sa o indentific> Si nici pe Pablo, desi imi tot injecta ceva in picior( nu stiu exact de unde am facut conexiunea, mda) anywayzz. whatever.
M-am reapucat de ascultat muzica mea de toate zilele, adica muzica aia de dinainte de cocorosie. Adica sunt din nou indioata. welcome sweet years :D
WTF? ideea e ca i'm disappointed by my best friend . I can't breathe, i've just caught a cold.
Si eu, spre deosebire de alti copii draguti si echilibrati, nu pot sa merg drept. It's not like 'walk the line, Johnny!' . E altceva, you get the ideea...
Ideea e ca atunci cand sunt adult tai in carne vie. Si chiar nu vreau sa fac asta . Plus ca parca sunt un mic mare monstru de beton si nu reusesc sa ma vad decat din afara. Feels better to be a dreamer and to believe in sweet nothings. Plus ca numai asa iti permiti si o viata secreta. ;)
Aham, sa nu uit. de maine beau din nou cafea cu lapte. I'm too sour with sour coffee.
miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009
pff. neah, alta data.
ne uitam la filme. eu nu rezist niciodata pana dupa 4. Trebuie sa dorm macar 4 ore, altfel devin o baba morocanoasa.
Ma gandesc ca poate o zi din astea imi iau si eu liber total si dorm, apoi respir, apoi ascult niste cocorosie si apoi niste alta muzica, desenez, tac, ascult, fac povesti, vegetez. neah, de fapt nu-mi ajunge o zi si atat. imi trebuie vreo 2 zile.
Respir , respir , respir. prea rar :)) mi s-a zis ca respir la 8 secunde. cine o fi stat sa numere :)))
My Gabitu is leaving. cel putin asa se pare. Wish him all the happiness in the world. And all the good luck. da.. dupa asta e ca si cum s-ar inchide niste cercuri; tebuie sa desenez altele. si nu stiu daca imi mai ies la fel.
Like.. damn! we are soo changed. All this coffee in front of us and we are incapable of having the same free conversations. our gestures and words are changed, we look at each other, we stare like aliens, someone's smoking, someone's drinking, someone's lost, someone's crying like a baby, someone gives up, starts again, takes the subway, calls someone in the middle of the night, . faci si tu o cafea?
I keep my thoughts in boxes most of the time. Ask me and i'll never answer. be a child and you'll get my way of doing things.
ma gandeam ca in general oamenii isi dau seama. Adica pot sa isi dea seama, daca vor. si Sunt putini aia care vor. oricum, nici nu conteaza asa de mult, numai ca mi se blocase creierul pe chestia asta acum cateva ore.
Facusem mai demult niste barcute albastre, un fel de armata de barcute albastre decorate cu tot felul de motive nebune. si barcutele astea stateau pe un perete si mergeau spre usa pentru ca erau niste proaste si chiar credeau ca daca iubesti o idee, ideea aia automat te va umple de emotii dragute in momentul in care incepe sa se materializeze. Si erau niste proaste idealiste. Si pusesem un biletel intr-un dintre ele in scrisesem ca proasta ' they kept going because they were holding on to something' . Si chiar crezusem in chestia aia. si imi placuse. Si ma impulsionau. Niste barcute proaste si idealiste. Poate pentru ca si eu sunt la fel. Nici macar un copil de 5 ani nu ar face o tampenie mai mare. si eu aveam 17 atunci. si mai facusem inca vreo 50 si le tineam in niste cutii. si apoi imi cumparasem niste clesti de par si vruiam sa fac din ei un fel de vrabiute si corbi. si nu puteam sa dorm noaptea pentru ca aveam impresia ca ceea ce urma sa fac era important. s-a dus naiba si asta
Ma gandesc ca poate o zi din astea imi iau si eu liber total si dorm, apoi respir, apoi ascult niste cocorosie si apoi niste alta muzica, desenez, tac, ascult, fac povesti, vegetez. neah, de fapt nu-mi ajunge o zi si atat. imi trebuie vreo 2 zile.
Respir , respir , respir. prea rar :)) mi s-a zis ca respir la 8 secunde. cine o fi stat sa numere :)))
My Gabitu is leaving. cel putin asa se pare. Wish him all the happiness in the world. And all the good luck. da.. dupa asta e ca si cum s-ar inchide niste cercuri; tebuie sa desenez altele. si nu stiu daca imi mai ies la fel.
Like.. damn! we are soo changed. All this coffee in front of us and we are incapable of having the same free conversations. our gestures and words are changed, we look at each other, we stare like aliens, someone's smoking, someone's drinking, someone's lost, someone's crying like a baby, someone gives up, starts again, takes the subway, calls someone in the middle of the night, . faci si tu o cafea?
I keep my thoughts in boxes most of the time. Ask me and i'll never answer. be a child and you'll get my way of doing things.
ma gandeam ca in general oamenii isi dau seama. Adica pot sa isi dea seama, daca vor. si Sunt putini aia care vor. oricum, nici nu conteaza asa de mult, numai ca mi se blocase creierul pe chestia asta acum cateva ore.
Facusem mai demult niste barcute albastre, un fel de armata de barcute albastre decorate cu tot felul de motive nebune. si barcutele astea stateau pe un perete si mergeau spre usa pentru ca erau niste proaste si chiar credeau ca daca iubesti o idee, ideea aia automat te va umple de emotii dragute in momentul in care incepe sa se materializeze. Si erau niste proaste idealiste. Si pusesem un biletel intr-un dintre ele in scrisesem ca proasta ' they kept going because they were holding on to something' . Si chiar crezusem in chestia aia. si imi placuse. Si ma impulsionau. Niste barcute proaste si idealiste. Poate pentru ca si eu sunt la fel. Nici macar un copil de 5 ani nu ar face o tampenie mai mare. si eu aveam 17 atunci. si mai facusem inca vreo 50 si le tineam in niste cutii. si apoi imi cumparasem niste clesti de par si vruiam sa fac din ei un fel de vrabiute si corbi. si nu puteam sa dorm noaptea pentru ca aveam impresia ca ceea ce urma sa fac era important. s-a dus naiba si asta
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