miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2009

le noir et le noir, il y a beaucoup de differences. ;)

in my secret life , in my secret life. i abused this song all this week. i overwatched the video. and thought maybe too much about the theme.
but, isn't it all so lovely? and funny at a certain point ( until it becomes weird:)))?
like... i am such an idiot in real life, i stumble, i fall, i say stupid things, i laugh like a retard, i dream during my classes, i forget about my homework, i disappoint people, i stare into people's eyes, i stay quiet when i sould speak and then i become hyperactive when i should stay quiet. I am the upper limit of stupid empirism and never believe without going through the experience. I abuse all i like and I make sure that i get the last drop of the things i am impressed by. I know no limits. Then i fall into deep dreams and never wake up on time .
but.. in my secret life i do things in a different way. in my secret life everything moves so like me , has exactly the rythm i do. And , besides, i do have lots of secret interests and secret wishes for a suprarealistic life. But, as they are secret, I can't tell. :D

luni, 19 ianuarie 2009

dream dream, filling up an idle hour

why do i always have to be the weak part, the weirdoo, the ugly one, the nonsense, the eccentric, the insane, the borderline?
oh, but i don't mind, really. at all. these days.
is like.. oh, i switch personalities too often. ;)

now i'm into the 70's-80's , trying to absorb all they could give.
soon i'll get bored and i'll be into Indian gods, i guess.
+ tea and biscuits, anyone? or at least, mood for searching, anyone?
'creati o poveste' . eh, later this week. ;)

sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009

I am

Harry, asta e teatrul in care vreau sa joc si sa fac decoruri si costume. Un teatru doar pentru nebuni.

Si sinuciderea e o boala care te tine in viata pana la urma, nu-i asha ? Si de fapt niciun sinucigas nu comite cumplita fapta. El doar traieste cu obsesia de a o face si isi imagineaza moduri in care evenimentul eliberator s-ar putea intampla. Se sinucid numai cei care ajung la un fel de disperare sau uitare de sine pentru cateva momente. Atat. Conteaza doar contextul. Atat. Au avut o dezamagire si pentru 2 secunde nu au mai vazut nimic. Li s-a oprit inima pe un pistol sau le-a pulsat ultima vena inainte de atingerea unui cutit,etc.
Dar cand esti un sinucigas, cand suferi de boala asta, te gandesti doar. Viata are nuante si sensuri ciudate pentru tine. Oglinda te infatiseaza altcumva decat esti, nu ? Spune-mi ce vezi? un animal, o planta , un monstru de nedescris ai carui ochi se impletesc si suprapun? Mda. Intri in culoare cu multe usi, simti un pustiu de nedescris si ti-e ameteala in loc sa te sufoci si sa cauti o iesire. Deasupra lor sunt mesaje, franturi de ganduri. Inspaimantator. Intr-atat incat sa le deschizi si sa le traiesti terifiat pe rand.

Asha. Azi mi-am amintit de cartea care a avut cel mai mare impact asupra mea.

joi, 15 ianuarie 2009

rabbits don't actually bite , they kill.

waiting .-as if she would expect him to be there everytime she turns her head to left.
smiling as if she was sure he would respond with a smile as well. eyes would meet and that is.. the story is already started.
is like.. i really want to paint this thing. the deer falling for the wolf or something. maybe i would choose some other little opposites , but you get the idea.
oh, if only i could stop concetrating on small disasters and stop lighting bombs in my head, everything would be just fine. fine as an evening when you drink tea and have some biscuits, then watch a creepy film and cry until you fall asleep. then you wake up laughing. what a day would be that when you wake up laughing at yourself. ;)

oh, dear! something drives me really crazy. :)) maybe the exams, maybe the people around me, maybe the coffee i have, maybe the dog that eats my bag or my shirt and then i have nothing to wear.

btw: it seems that
Dreaming is free
distraction is an obstruction to the construction
the brain is the most impressive thing in the universe, and it's right behind the nose ( as to make me confused enough to refuse to study funny things for university)

this is all for today, little creatures. I shall take my lazy self and my immaginary friends and go to shhhhtudy.

funny day we had, is that so ?

sâmbătă, 10 ianuarie 2009

clever dialogue

' i don't eat fish?
why ?
fish piss in the water
so do children.
well, i don't eat children eather. '

and then closer closer closer .
love that film. saw it again these days.

joi, 8 ianuarie 2009

madame Tua. Lechat

secret places are the best .

miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2009

leather jacket, all designers' . shinny shinny, tricky eyes

Acting like a good mannered bastard, yet too sarcastic to compromise. looking straight into their eyes, you turn on every one and each of them. You wear black and adore the sublime luxe of a great perfume. how much do you care about a certain Anna or Marie, i could say you don't even bother to memorize their looks. unimpressive beings, aren't they? but you're having fun after all, playing and hurting; isn't that your guilty pleasure? you drink the best champagne, you have the greatest tastes in wine or cigarettes. cruel bird of night, you still posess that weak point in your iron chest.
end of foolish story ;)

marți, 6 ianuarie 2009

unhealty attitude, but i can't help it

I found this wonderful boy who writes wonders. i actually didn't find the boy, i found the wonders, but the boy writes them, so ..now you understand why i chose to begin my idea like that.
anyway, this is not my point in this dizzy evening.

Oh, i happen to fall in love with poetry and nice novels lately.
shame on me, i should be more into dramatic writting. But.. some wizzards-writters took my mind away from me. ;)

sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2009

Here I go again. again again again. Sick and tired face in front of my computer. Looking for some creepy things. Looking for some creepy music.
But, what what what !?!?!?!?!
hey, this is the funny and charming 2009? is it already?!!?!!

well, then i change plans and attitudes. :d
Maybe i'll go and pick my books, my pencils and my old CDs , my suprarealistic dreams and start doing something more productive.

Meet me on Monday, I'll rock that day. ;)