marți, 23 decembrie 2008
Time runs like crazy. I sleep less. I dream more. Water is colder. Ideas more numerous. Eyes more red. Face more sad. Emotions stronger . like whirls. tears harsher. air is cold cold cold. grin like sarcastic painters.
showers are longer. Water is harsh. Old dreams haunt more. Sour taste in my mouth. I miss things, i condamn my wishes. Blessed be, oh , dear writer! you're my only escape this days.
duminică, 21 decembrie 2008
rootless tree . 'aquatic' kind of view. ;
citizien of another universe, seeing myself as another fish, i claim for my right of having a happy ( read as 'not so ordinary') winter holiday.
ha, i might as well erase that stupid idea. And how i wish i could do it for real, not just on paper or on the desktop.
anyway, the basic idea is that i need someone nice to talk to. See , it's quite important to talk and not just speak.
uh, i'm full of pathetic moods ( as pathetic as Prufrock:))).
Ok, here I am . in my bedroom, looking for nice music and crying over my keyboard. I am just too sick. Is the firts time i catch a cold this winter, so i feel terribly awfully bad.
And i want some winter evenings full of movies. Btw. tea and biscuits, anyone? ;;) And i also look for someone dreamy-insane enough ( like me :D) to join me in making the most terrific and marvelous pencil clothes for my imaginary theatre of over-absurd-visions and for other stupid-idiotic projects i have in my mind. :D
well, we'll keep in touch . ;)
vineri, 19 decembrie 2008
joi, 11 decembrie 2008
bits of bits
friends. old times.
Macacul se intoarce pt cateva saptamani. I'm soo happy , I even dream at least one hour per day about it. I should do some preparations. And since I am not good at cooking or something like that, I'll buy the cakes and then I'll paint something and maybe even craft , since I have one day off ( it's saturday people, i can sleeeeep and happily work on my personal projects)
And soon I'll be drawing again and doing nice stuff, since I opened my mind again. So beware, I'm on the run. ;)
(old photo near. october. first time at home with Gabi and Piru after i came back from England. I guess Anda was there too. )
vineri, 5 decembrie 2008
art of sleep, not science.
well well, adevarul e ca pot sa dorm zile intregi. pot , de fapt sa stau in pat zile intregi, fara sa am vreo problema in a ma izola si a visa , cu ochii inchisi sau deschisi , pana cand civilizatia are vreo nevoie imperioasa de prezentza mea.
mda, presimt ca o sa ma cheme toti de pe marte cand incepe sesiunea. btw, asta e undeva prin ianuarie, nu? iar noi suntem undeva prin decembrie, nu? deci . oh , NU!!! wow. mai e putin. :-s:-s:-s
pfff. si stai putin, azi am facut casa aia cu scari care nu duc nicaieri? da? serios? puteam sa jur ca am visat! si azi mi-am taiat degetul cu foarfeca aia care avea aceesi culoare cu puloverul meu! azi, adica ieri, adica recent. ;)
need clementine or something like that. after all. after hours. velvet underground.
si patrick wolf.
si imi mai place o chestie acum. si daca imi place, logic voi abuza de ea. " la mer est calme, sur l'ecran de la"
wilde wilde
luni, 24 noiembrie 2008
joi, 20 noiembrie 2008
paty paty, que je t'aime
patrick wolf.
e ciudat. nu spun ca nu simt un deosebit entuziasm pentru alea 2 albume care o sa apara in curand, dar pt mine Patrick ramane elful roshcat si sclipicios, sensibil si talentat care mi-a sustinut adolecentza si m-a influentzat in formare.
hrmm. e normal ce spun? adica, are o oarecare logica?
de fapt nici nu stiu de ce scriu astea acum .
poate pentru ca ascult Patrick wolf de 3 zile fara incetare si imi derulez tot felul de filmulete in minte. )
soare, liniste, muzica, filme la mine in camera cu draperiile trase si usha inchisa, telefoane la miezul noptii, filosofie de 17 ani, certuri marunte, suferintze crunte fara un motiv anume, plimbari cu mashina fara vreo directie anume, trezit devreme, dormit doar cateva ore pe noapte, creatie febrila, rupturi, pierderi, traume, taceri, tzipete, nimeni, nimic, apoi din nou noi, frica, simbolism, coshmar, promisiuni, viziuni sinucigashe, lacrimi, dezechilibru, niciodata, din nou, de acum, convingeri, teme, carti, note, gol, gol, gol, perne albastru inchis, lumina stinsa fortat, dieta, limitare, propuneri, credintza, stoicism, hedonism, kant, stergi tot si incepi de la -1, de acum, nu pot, nu vreau, eu mor, logica, vise, planuri, optimism nefondat, cafea, personalitate, crize, liniste, liniste, liniste, fuste, nori, ploaie, avion, cioburi, facultate, acum.
miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2008
essay on friendship
hrmm. sorry but,
i don't develop such relationships.
i rather tend to be driven into sick connections and deviant liaisons.
btw. do you dream much?
i don't develop such relationships.
i rather tend to be driven into sick connections and deviant liaisons.
btw. do you dream much?
duminică, 26 octombrie 2008
vineri, 24 octombrie 2008
je commence
bine am venit pe blog :D
aici o sa imi postez unele chestii ( adica lucrari, jucarii, decupaje, gentutze, etc) pe care le fac , cateva ganduri si idei, poate chiar ceva imitatii de jurnal ( asta depinde de moods . oricum o sa fie multe sterse pe parcurs).
dar nu asta e ceea ce vruiam in primul rand sa spun.
e important poate sa mentionez ca:
- imi place tot ce tine de vis, creativitate, pictura,muzica, fashion, carti, ideologii, argumente bine sustinute, critici contructive, opinii sincere, drumuri alternative, etc.
si cu astea o sa imi umplu spatiul meu de aici.
au revoir.
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